Affordable Cleaning Solutions For Your New Home

Affordable Cleaning Solutions For Your New Home

When you buy a new home, there are so many responsibilities and joys that come along with it. You’re now in charge of maintaining your property, and you have to keep in mind that you and your family will spend the majority of your time there, so it needs to be a healthy, comfortable place as well. It can be a lot to keep up with, but fortunately, there are several easy ways you can ensure your home is the healthy safe haven you need it to be. Of course, finding an affordable way to keep up with the cleaning is crucial, especially if the home is larger than your last.

You’ll want to start cleaning right before you move if at all possible. If it’s a brand-new home, there should be minimal clean up, but there’s likely some debris and dust still lurking. If there were previous owners or tenants, you’ll want to give the house a thorough cleaning from top to bottom. Part of cleaning your new home also means making sure the air quality is in good shape, too, so cleaning everything from the floors to the HVAC vents will be important.

Real estate expert Franz Redl offers some great tips on how to find affordable cleaning solutions for your new home.

But First, Let’s Discuss Your Old Home

Making sure your new home is clean and ready for moving day is incredibly important. However, taking some time to clean your former home is just as important. When you’re selling a home, looks are a big part of the appeal, and an unclean house will definitely turn off buyers. Not only that, but spending time addressing concerns can also improve your home’s appraisal value. So, make sure you clean the space, get it staged, and take care of any repairs that would detract from its curb appeal. That way, you can move on to your new home in a timely and (hopefully) stress-free manner.

Call in a pro

Before any box or piece of furniture is moved into your new space you want a clean slate. If you have the budget for it, consider hiring a professional cleaning service to come in and take over, as they can ensure you’ll get a good deep clean and can help remove stains and odors. Even if you’re moving into an apartment or a condominium, you can find local apartment cleaning services that specialize in smaller spaces. Depending on the company, you might even be able to get a first-time discount. Having a deep clean will give you peace of mind in your new space.

Don’t forget the furniture

If you have couches, loveseats and other fabric-covered pieces of furniture, consider having everything cleaned prior to moving day. This will ensure you don’t take any lingering odors, food crumbs, or allergens with you into your new place. Local cleaning experts can make short work of this so peruse service directory sites to find the best furniture cleaning company. Some may even have current specials that can help bring the costs down when you’re having something as expensive as a sectional cleaned.

Consider your windows

To help let in light and to keep your interior and exterior windows sparkling, make sure to do a thorough cleaning inside and out. This can make a big difference when buyers walk into your home. The last thing you want is a layer of dust or grime that proves to be a turnoff. To ensure a deep clean, look to professional cleaning supplies to get the ultimate shine. If you have a two-story home, it might be safer to call in an expert for windows up  high.

Keep the air healthy

The air quality in your home is equally important when it comes to making sure your family is healthy. This means regularly changing the filter in your HVAC system. Doing so will keep the air flowing smoothly throughout the home and will make sure dust, pet dander, and allergens are trapped rather than shot back into the air. Also, by keeping up with filter changes you can help your HVAC system run more efficiently, saving you money over time. Change your filter upon moving in then mark it on the calendar so you can swap it out every month. If you can, buy a few extra filters now so you always have them on hand.

Remove stains and odors

If your new place has carpets, chances are there are some spots that could use a little love, especially if the previous owners or tenants had pets. Stains and odors can leave your flooring looking much older than it actually is, but you can use common household items — such as vinegar and baking soda — to remove those stains and keep your house smelling fresh. It’s also a good idea to think about other spots in the house where pets might have left a mark or that could just use a good scrubbing, such as doors and baseboards.

Scrub down the bathroom

One room that could use some extra attention when you move in is the bathroom. Give the tub a good scrub, including the shower head and tiles, and use an anti-bacterial cleaner to wipe down the toilet. For stained floor tiles, you can use a toothbrush and white vinegar to get a deep clean on a budget.

Moving into a new place can be a little stressful if you don’t have a good plan from the beginning, and that includes the cleaning part. Think about the best ways to stay on-budget, and look for cost-effective ways to maintain the cleanliness of your home, whether it’s through DIY cleaners, the occasional cleaning service, or setting up a cleaning schedule you maintain daily or weekly. Keeping your home spic and span is one of the best ways you can take care of your investment.